Expression of interest n 5 Marocco fami re- build nr 2679

“Identification of local Social Organizations appointed for Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) and monitoring activities of Individual Reintegration Plans (PIR) of migrants who wish to return to their country of origin”

Notice n.6 del 09/10/2019

Cooperativa Sociale Il Cenacolo, member of the syndicated associations group Consorzio Co&So, leading proponent of “Re-Build” project cofinanced by by Asylum Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020, intends to select implementing organizations based in the country of origin, that will undertake the management and monitoring activities of Individual Reintegration Plans (PIR) of migrants who decide to leave Italy and voluntarily return to their country of origin.

Expression on interest – Click here to download

Declaration of interest – Click here to download